Fibrous Casings

  • Clear Printed Fibrous Casings
    Clear non-edible casings for any type of sausage!
  • Clear Unprinted Fibrous Casings
    Clear non-edible casings for any type of sausage!
  • Mahogany Printed Fibrous Casings
    Printed with "Venison Sausage - Not for Sale"
  • Mahogany Unprinted Fibrous Casings
    Non-edible casings for any type of sausage!
  • Jumbo Red Fibrous Casings
    Bologna lovers rejoice!
  • Netted Honeycomb Fibrous Casings
    Limited Quantity In Stock
    Sausage made beautiful!
  • Cellulose Casings with Black Stripe
    Perfect for Skinless Hot Dogs