Stuffing Tubes

Stuffing Tubes

  • Stainless Steel Stuffing Tubes With 1- 9/16" Base
    Stainless Steel Stuffing Tubes for our 5 lb. Vertical Stuffer!
  • Stainless Steel Stuffing Tubes With 2" Base
    Stainless Steel Stuffing Tubes for our 15 lb. Vertical Stuffer!
  • Stuffing Tubes for #1606 - Set Of 3 Plastic 1-9/16" Base
    Stuffing Tubes for our 5 lb. Vertical Stuffer.
  • 3 Piece Stuffing Tube Set for #1607 With 2" Base
    Stuffing Tubes for our 15 lb. Vertical Stuffer.
  • Stainless Steel Stuffing Tubes for Dual Gear Stuffer - 4 Pack
    Limited Quantity In Stock
    Replacement Stuffing Tubes for our #1111 & #1112 Big Bite Dual Gear Stuffers
  • Jerky Cannon 3/8" ID Stuffing Tube - 6"
    Make snack sticks in a casing!
  • Jerky Cannon Sausage Nozzle
    Stuff sausage like a pro with your Jerky Gun or Jerky Cannon!
  • Silicone Dual-Head Bottle Cleaning Brush - 12"
    Get those stuffing tubes cleaned quickly!
  • Jerky Cannon Barrel Brush
    Easily Clean the Barrel of Your Jerky Cannon
  • 1/2" Stuffing Tube for Motorized Stuffers
You can't make great sausage without the right equipment, and getting the perfect stuffing tubes is one of the first steps. Whether you're a casual sausage stuffer or a professional who wants to make enough for a whole village, we've got the stuffing tubes you'll need. Plastic, stainless steel, and even aluminum stuffing tubes offer a wide variety of opportunities for making sausage of different mixes, casings and sizes. We even have grinder stuffing tubes that attach right to your LEM Meat Grinder. So what are you waiting for? Get Stuffing!