Frequently Asked Questions

Thanks for visiting LEM Products. Here you'll find our Frequently Asked Questions and Answers. Simply click on the topic you would like below - or scroll down to browse our Questions. Click on the Question to view the Answer. If we don't have the answer to your question here, please contact Customer Service at 1.877.336.5895 for assistance.

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Why is a price different on the website than in the catalog?

How can I place an order?

I want to add to, change, or cancel my order

I placed an order and it doesn’t have an updated status

Methods of payment accepted

Do I have to pay tax?

How do I get a catalog?

What does backordered mean?

How can I tell if the item I want is on backorder?

How long will my item be on backorder?

Do you have a store? Where can I order at a store?

What is the best way to order a part for my processing equipment?

I want to order a grinder, but I don't know which size would be good for me.

Do you sell gift certificates?

I have a promo code. Where do I enter it?

Are any items excluded from promo codes?


What method do you use to ship?

What are your shipping charges?

Why do some items have additional shipping charges?

What is ship ahead? Are there additional charges for additional shipment on one order?

How is shipping outside the 48 Continental USA handled?

How do I return an item?

Where is my order?


Do you sell by the case? In Bulk?

How do I make just part of a pack of seasoning?

Which seasonings contain allergens?

I don’t have enough cure. What can I do?


What kind of warranty do you offer?


My LEM product is broken, what should I do?

My product is not working properly, what do I do?

How do I get parts?


I have moved and need to change my address

Remove me from your mailing list.

I forgot my online password.


Is the hand crank Left or Right handed on the Sausage Stuffer (Models #1111 & #1112)?

How do I load the tape on the Poly Bag Tape machine?

How do I store unused natural casings after the bag has been opened?

What casing do I need for the product I am making?

Is there preparation for the casings before use?

Do I need to use water when using Backwoods Seasoning? How much?

What meat is recommended for making jerky and sausage?

Do I need to add fat to my sausage? What type of fat is suggested? What is the ratio of meat to fat?

Will the LEM mixer attach to my grinder?

How do I figure out what size tube, knife, or plate I need for my grinder?

How do I determine what size tube I need for my stuffer?